About Me

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St. Johns, Florida, United States
You have to know me to love me. I am an Alaskan Native (Aleut) from Bristol Bay, Alaska where I grew up commercial fishing for salmon. I have three amazing children who I would give my life for, no questions asked. Joe is my husband ~ wouldn't trade him for anything! We belong to a furry little dog named Buster, he loves me the most because I give him treats (chips) and snuggle with him when no one else is looking.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thing 22

Staying Current ~ The 23 Things have been on the whole, a lot of fun! I've become a little more comfortable blogging, never thought I'd admit that. I just feel like some of the things I post might seem ridiculous and haven't been comfortable with others seeing that side of me. :D Reflecting back to the first thing, I would have to say that doing an actual blog was the hardest thing. Ran into a couple of glitches, especially with Flickr, but once I figured it out things seemed to go a little smoother. I'm going to try to keep up with blogging, don't know how I'll find the time but I'll give it a shot!

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States I've been to...

The states that I've actually visited are in blue. My goal is to visit all 50 states before my expiration date!