About Me

- Loretta Smith
- St. Johns, Florida, United States
- You have to know me to love me. I am an Alaskan Native (Aleut) from Bristol Bay, Alaska where I grew up commercial fishing for salmon. I have three amazing children who I would give my life for, no questions asked. Joe is my husband ~ wouldn't trade him for anything! We belong to a furry little dog named Buster, he loves me the most because I give him treats (chips) and snuggle with him when no one else is looking.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thing 19
Other social networks ~ It kinda sounds like I'd be cheating on my Myspace & Facebook. :D I'm more into just general and random topics while keeping in touch with friends, family & others whom I've met over the years. Not really into the "intellectual" aspect of networking, that would take just too much thought process and I don't have the energy lately to do it. I have been a member of Linkedin for a few years, it's a great way to network professionally.
Thing 18
Facebook & Myspace ~ Have been using both of these sites for the last several years. Lately, I've been prefering Facebook because you can just post to your wall and anyone who has access to your information is able to see it, you don't need to go specifically to someone's "page" to post a message unless you want it to be private between you and your "friend." Social networks are a nice and easy way of keeping in touch with friends, past & present without having to spend a lot of time going into a lot of detail. You can however get into some very long-winded posts. :D
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Thing 17
Podcasts ~ I visited all the podcast sites with links on Neflins 23 Things. Podcast.com had the most user friendly site, however, half of the links I clicked on, the podcasts were not found. I tried going the search route and did not come up with much on my search terms, I'm probably looking for things that are pretty random, like "Indigenous People + Alaska Peninsula" so I just settled for listening to a FoxNews podcast.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thing 16
Garneau ~ "Keep the Dream Alive"
YouTube ~ I chose this video because friends of our family, Mark Emory (camera operator of this clip) and his wife, Mary who live in Ocala, FL were involved with the video. Mark is an amazing photographer who has worked on many films and has a plethora of photos including wildlife and stills that are just so amazing I can't not share! Mark's wife Mary is in the video, she is the beautiful, serene lady sitting in the pew in the church. During the summer the Emory's spend a lot of time in my neck of the woods in Alaska. Hope you enjoy the video. This video is up for seven Grammy awards!
Thing 15
Thing 15 ~ Rollyo... this was a fun little excursion. I can see maybe adding this to a reference page on our library's web site because it is pretty easy to use. I created a search tool and added it to my blog and it works! :D Yay! I love how I was able to just go down the list and select my areas of interest. I mostly selected things about travel & leisure (what I'm mostly about). If I could post it to my desktop I would be set. Let me know if the link works for you.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Thing 14
Online Productivity Tools ~ I'm still astounded at how many things I'm coming across that are helping to make my home life a little more organized. Now work is another story...you have to have the time to use these tools & being in a busy library there is never enough time, there's always something keeping me busy. I've always thought that I've been very organized, I guess I could learn how to streamline a bit more. I've had my Yahoo page since it's inception and have been using it over the years but lately I've been steering more towards iGoogle. I think as I was browsing through iGoogle one day I saw that I can actually merge my calendars, just have to sit down and actually do it. :) I pretty much looked through all the other tools and found that life is complicated enough so I'll stick to the ones I'm already using. I thought that Remember The Milk would be a fun way to organize lists but I'd have to use a good chunk of time to sit and do so I've ruled that out. One of the best things I did like about it though was that I can have the list sent to my cell phone. Now only if it could actually do the chores for me...
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thing 13
I love Library Thing! If I had more time I would add all the books I've read in the last couple of years...I've read way too many books to do this consistently. The SJCPLS does use widgets for books, I just don't know if it's Library Thing. ??? I did add the LT widget to my blog, will add more someday. I do keep up with some of the newest books through Good Reads. It is a very helpful tool when running out of titles and/or authors to read. These tools have also been very helpful to patrons who find themselves in a rut. I've been told how much easier the SJCPLS's new web page is from some of Bartram Trail's patrons and how much they love all the new information available.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Thing 12
To Wiki or not to wiki... Love Wiki's. In the work environment Wiki's can be such a useful tool for different groups to communicate in an easy manner, you don't have to be jumping all over the place, using bulletin boards is an example. You can post to one area to share useful ideas and/or suggestions on a single topic or post to a whole community. I can see students not using Wikipedia due to the fact that not all posts are edited by "experts."
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States I've been to...
The states that I've actually visited are in blue. My goal is to visit all 50 states before my expiration date!