About Me

My photo
St. Johns, Florida, United States
You have to know me to love me. I am an Alaskan Native (Aleut) from Bristol Bay, Alaska where I grew up commercial fishing for salmon. I have three amazing children who I would give my life for, no questions asked. Joe is my husband ~ wouldn't trade him for anything! We belong to a furry little dog named Buster, he loves me the most because I give him treats (chips) and snuggle with him when no one else is looking.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sunset at Ft. Myers Beach

Sunset at Ft. Myers Beach
Originally uploaded by akflsmith

One of my favorite places in Florida... love spending the day at the beach, from sunrise to sunset.

I'm trying to add Flikr to my page and not having much success! Anyone out there that can give me some pointers??? Help!

1 comment:

  1. Here's info on adding a Flickr badge to your blog:


    Good luck!


States I've been to...

The states that I've actually visited are in blue. My goal is to visit all 50 states before my expiration date!